Root Hair Institute


Can hair be transplanted from the body to the scalp? This is a question that many people are asking, and the answer is yes, it is possible to transplant hair from other parts of the body to the scalp. In this blog post, we will discuss the process of hair transplantation and specifically how body hair can be used to restore hair on the scalp.

We will also talk about the benefits of body hair transplantation and how it can help you improve your appearance!


What is BHT (Body Hair to Head Transplant)?

Body Hair to Head Transplant (BHT) is a procedure that involves taking hair follicles from areas of the body such as the beard, chest, arms, legs, or back and transplanting them onto the scalp. This type of procedure is used to restore hair in areas where existing hair has become thin or even bald due to certain types of hair loss including patterned hair loss or balding.


When is body hair transplantation recommended?

Body hair transplantation is most commonly recommended for people who have experienced significant hair loss due to genetics, traction, trauma, or other factors. Body hair tends to retain the characteristics of the hair where it was taken from including texture, length, and frequency of cycling/shedding. This often does not match scalp hair as well as using scalp donor hair. Thus, body hair is often used in cases where there is not adequate scalp donor hair to provide the desired amount of coverage in the areas of the scalp with balding or hair thinning. It can be used alone or ideally in combination with scalp donor hair.

Consult with a hair restoration surgeon to understand what treatments are recommended in your case.


What are the different types of hair on our bodies?

scalp hair transplant

There are a variety of types of hair on our bodies, such as:

  • Scalp hair
  • Beard hair
  • Chest hair
  • Arm hair
  • Leg hair
  • Back hair

Hair in each of these locations often has different characteristics including texture, length, and frequency of cycling through different phases including shedding.


What distinguishes body hair from the hair on the scalp?

Body hair differs from scalp hair in a number of ways. Often body hair has a more wiry or curly texture, shorter length, and more frequent cycling/shedding compared to scalp hair. The diameter and pigmentation are also often different. Some body hair is finer and lighter in color, making it less noticeable. Additionally, body hair tends to be much shorter than head hair (most body hair is between 1-3 cm long).


Who is an ideal candidate for Body Hair Transplant (BHT)?

The ideal candidate for Body Hair Transplant (BHT) is someone who has experienced significant hair loss due to genetics or other factors and has limited scalp donor supply. Candidates must have enough body hair to transplant with body hair qualities that will look natural on the scalp.

It is important for those undergoing the procedure to have realistic expectations about the outcome and to realize that body hair tends to have a different texture, thickness, and length than scalp hair and tends to shed more frequently.


What is the method used for Body Hair Transplant (BHT)?

hair transplant method

The method used for BHT is a relatively simple process similar to other types of hair transplants. The first step is to harvest the donor hair from the body, usually taken from the beard or chest. The follicular unit excision/extraction (FUE) method is often used for BHT rather than the follicular unit transplant (FUT) method. This hair is then transplanted onto the scalp in areas of thinning or balding.


How much does Body Hair Transplant to Head (BHT) cost?

The cost of a BHT can vary greatly depending on the individual, the clinic performing the procedure, and other factors such as the number of follicular units that need to be transplanted. Generally speaking, BHT procedures typically cost between $5,000 to $20,000.

However, it is important to consult with a qualified medical professional for an accurate estimate. Root Hair Institute offers financing options, so you don’t have to break the bank.


Types of Donor Hair for Hair Transplants

Scalp donor hair is preferred as a donor for transplantation onto the scalp in most cases. However, in cases where there is not an adequate scalp donor available and the body hair has appropriate characteristics, BHT can be considered.

Some examples of sites that are most commonly used for donor harvesting with BHT include the following:


Beard hair as donor hair for hair transplants

Beard hair is the hair that grows on our faces and necks, usually around the chin, mouth, jawline, and neck. While it can vary in thickness and length between individuals, many have thick beards with qualities similar to their scalp hair. This type of hair is often ideal for BHT as it is often more abundant and matches the scalp hair better than other areas of the body.


Chest hair as donor hair for hair transplants

Chest hair can also be used as a donor for body-to-scalp hair transplants in some cases. In some patients the chest hair is abundant, and any scarring in this location can be easier to hide than in other locations such as the arms and legs.


Does a hair transplant have to be performed with only body hair?

No, a hair transplant does not have to be performed using only body hair. In fact, BHT is often combined with grafts obtained from the scalp as the donor site. Scalp hair often produces more ideal and natural-appearing results. Thus often BHT is combined with traditional hair transplants using scalp hair as a donor. The grafts from the scalp are often used in more cosmetically sensitive areas such as the hairline while the body hair is often used to fill in and provide coverage behind the hairline.

You should always discuss the plan with your hair restoration surgeon to make sure you understand the expected results.


Limitations of Body Hair Transplantation to Scalp

old men hair loss problem

There are certain limitations when it comes to body hair transplantation to the scalp.

These include:

  • Body hair does not typically match head hair in texture, diameter, or color.
  • Body hair tends to provide less coverage per graft compared to scalp hair.
  • Body hair is shorter than head hair (most body hairs are between 1-3 cm long).
  • Body hair grows at a different rate than head hair, so the transplanted hair may not grow at the same rate as the surrounding scalp hair.
  • Body hair may shed more frequently than surrounding scalp hair.
  • Not all people have enough body hair to transplant for a successful outcome.
  • The results of a body-to-head/scalp transplant may not be as natural looking as a transplant using only scalp hair.


What are the benefits of Body Hair Transplant to Head (BHT)?

There are a number of benefits associated with body hair transplantation, such as:

  • Can allow scalp coverage in those with limited scalp donor supply.
  • Can be used in combination with other hair restoration treatments such as hair transplant with the scalp as a donor for added benefits.


On Deciding to Get a BHT Procedure

In conclusion, body hair transplants can be an effective solution for those suffering from certain forms of hair loss with limited scalp donor supply and ideal body hair characteristics. It is important for patients to follow the advice of their surgeons and understand all the potential risks and benefits before undergoing a body hair transplant procedure.

With proper care, a body hair transplant can help restore natural-looking fullness to the scalp and improve self-confidence in many cases. Schedule a consultation with Root Hair Institute to discuss your options.