Root Hair Institute

Annual costs for surgical aesthetic procedures increased by approximately 6% in 2021. Facial procedures also saw an increase in interest, with a nearly 54% increase in 2021.

While facelifts and other more invasive procedures often stay in the spotlight, a hair transplant can also make a prominent difference in the appearance of your facial features either by addressing the hair line or facial hair such as the eyebrows. Eyebrows help to frame and define the eyes and upper features of your face but overplucking or naturally thin brows could lead you to wonder what an eyebrow transplant cost is.

Hair transplants remove follicles from one area (the donor) and place them in areas where increased hair density is desired (such as the eyebrows in an eyebrow transplant). Most commonly, this technique is used for scalp treatments. Facial hair transplants such as into the eyebrows are also becoming more popular. It is important to see someone with the technical skill and attention to detail needed for the artistry that is required by an eyebrow transplant.

So what does all the detail, skill and time mean for you in terms of your final out-of-pocket payment? Keep reading on and learn more about what goes into an eyebrow transplant and how much it may cost you!

What Are Eyebrow Transplants?

An eyebrow transplant aims to reshape or restore eyebrows. Like a scalp hair transplant, it moves hair from one area to another. Hair is often taken from the scalp (but in some cases may be taken from other areas of the body) and then moved into areas of the brow where increased density is desired.

Two of the most common techniques to obtain the hair for the transplant are:

  • Follicular Unit Transfer (FUT)
  • Follicular Unit Excision (FUE)

During your consultation and procedure day, your surgeon will examine your hair follicles to determine which area of the scalp or body to take the hair from to obtain hair that most closely matches the characteristics of your eyebrow hair. Commonly, surgeons will use strands along the sides of your scalp or the lowest portion of the backside of your head where hairs are thinner and more closely resemble eyebrow hair. The hair during a scalp hair transplant is often cut short, but during an eyebrow transplant it is often kept long so that the curl of the hair can be appreciated when placing them into the eyebrows.

Once the individual follicular unts (grafts) are harvested from the donor area, micro-incisions are then made in the eyebrows where increased fullness or density is desired. The individual follicular units are then placed one by one. This has to be done carefully and with attention to detail in order to match the direction and angle of the hairs for the most natural look possible.

Remember, you may need to groom your eyebrows regularly since these strands will still usually grow longer. It is important to understand you will need to trim your eyebrows regularly (often every few days to week). If you are not willing to regularly trim your eyebrows, then you should not have an eyebrow transplant. This is because if left untrimmed, the eyebrow hair can grow long.

Generally, an eyebrow transplant is an advanced procedure that requires a great degree of time, skill, and attention to detail. The technical skill of the surgeon and team are very important to obtaining a natural result. Keep this in mind when you are weighing different options.

Who May be a Candidate for an Eyebrow Transplant?

Over-plucking or naturally thin eyebrows are two reasons you may want an eyebrow transplant. Other concerns that individuals have regarding their eyebrows are:

  • Poor shaping
  • Lack of fullness
  • Asymmetry

It is important to note that if you started losing your eyebrows, shedding eyebrow hair, have new patches of hair loss in your brows, or have itching or a rash in your eyebrows, it is important to mention this during your consultation. This could be a sign that there is a form of hair loss such as alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, or frontal fibrosing alopecia or a skin condition contributing to your eyebrow loss. In these cases, it is usually recommended that these conditions be treated and stabilized with no further active loss of the eyebrows prior to being transplanted (otherwise you could lose the transplanted hair).

It is important to discuss your eyebrow history as well as your medical history, surgical history, medications, and other relevant history with your medical provider during your consultation so that they can discuss with you if eyebrow transplant might be right for you and discuss the risks, benefits, and alternatives.

Pros and Cons of Eyebrow Transplants

The pros of eyebrow transplants are the potential benefit of improved symmetry and fullness and ability to cover scar. Other positives of eyebrow transplants include the following:

  • Improving self-confidence for many individuals
  • Enhancing other facial features
  • Long-lasting results in most cases

The downsides are similar to traditional scalp hair transplants. Full hair growth can take around 12 to 15 months at most. However, you may start seeing positive effects within four to six months. Additionally, there is associated recovery which is usually one to two weeks. As with any other procedure, there are potential risks. Make sure to discuss the recovery period, post-operative instructions, and risks and any questions you may have with your provider during your consultation.

How Do Eyebrow Transplants Stack Against Other Options?

Unfortunately, any type of hair transplant procedure typically does not come with a cheap price tag. One way to look at the upfront cost is to view the effectiveness of eyebrow transplant techniques against other options.

Topical ointments are not always effective and require daily persistence. You might see some changes in your eyebrows, but it is also more challenging to shape eyebrows how you would prefer. These treatments tend to not work as well in areas with limited to no eyebrow hair. Additionally, many of these treatments have prostaglandin analogs to be effective, and these have potential side effects to be aware of such as skin irritation, darkening of the iris, darkening of the skin of the eyelids, and fat atrophy among others. It is important to discuss these risks with your provider and read and familiarize yourself with potential side effects.

Microblading is a common technique used to create the illusion of thicker eyebrows. It is important to note that this is a cosmetic application of pigment into the skin that is long-lasting but not permanent. Unfortunately, this will not change the fullness or density of your eyebrows. Additionally, microblading is semi-permanent and typically will need touch-ups every few years.

When comparing an eyebrow transplant with other procedures, you should think about your goals and preferences.

The current average cost for microblading is between $500 and $2,000. If you perform three microblading sessions on the higher end of the price range over the span of ten years, you may equate or exceed the cost of a transplant and have more upkeep.

It all depends on your goals. If you prefer something less invasive, don’t mind pigment rather than hair, want less upfront cost, and don’t mind the need of touch-ups, you may prefer microblading. If you prefer to have hair rather than pigment and don’t mind the up-front investment into a more long-lasting solution, then you may prefer an eyebrow transplant.

How Much Does an Eyebrow Transplant Cost?

Several factors can impact the final cost of an eyebrow transplant, including:

  • Type of procedure
  • How many hairs are needed
  • Location
  • Surgeon’s fees
  • Prescribed medication or other treatments

The cost of an eyebrow transplant can depend on a number of factors including the type of procedure, size of the procedure, technical aspects of the transplant, surgeon and team skill and demand, location, etc.

It is important to find a surgeon and team you are comfortable with. On average, hair transplants cost around $5,000 to $20,000. Eyebrow transplants encompass a smaller area than scalp treatments (and usually require less hairs) but are usually more technically challenging and time consuming per hair, so it is best if you consult with your surgeon on the exact cost in your case and financing options before starting.

Schedule an Eyebrow Transplant Consultation

While the eyebrow transplant price range might tally more than a simple microblading procedure, you typically will have longer-lasting results (and actual hair rather than pigment).

In the long run, this could mean less upkeep and less money depending on the price of the transplant or microblading you are considering. It also depends on your goals. If you are happy with pigment and need to touch up, you may be happy with microblading. If you want your eyebrows to be full with actual hair rather than pigment, then the cost of an eyebrow transplant may be worth it to you. It all depends on your goals.

Are you interested in finding out if you’re a candidate? Schedule a consultation today and find out more about our eyebrow transplant cost and procedure!