Root Hair Institute


Your facial features can greatly impact your overall appearance, which is especially true for your eyebrows. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with the full eyebrows they desire. But thanks to modern technology, there’s a way to fix that!

An eyebrow transplant is a type of hair transplantation procedure that helps restore or improve your eyebrows’ appearance. The procedure involves taking hair follicles from other parts of your body (usually the scalp) and transplanting them into the eyebrow area.

This article will discuss everything you need about eyebrow transplants, including their benefits, risks, and cost. Before having any procedure done, make sure to see a doctor to discuss risks, benefits, and alternatives specific to your individual case.

What is an eyebrow transplant?

what is an eyebrow transplant

Eyebrow transplants are procedures done by taking hair follicles from other parts of the body and implanting them in the eyebrow area. The transplanted hairs will then grow naturally and can be styled as desired.

The transplant involves taking hair follicles from the donor area (usually the back or side of the head) by either follicular unit transplantation (FUT) or by follicular unit excision and then individually transplanting each hair follicle into small incisions made in the eyebrow area.

This type of procedure is also known as eyebrow restoration surgery or eyebrow hair transplant.

What cosmetic concerns does an eyebrow transplant treat?

When a person decides to get an eyebrow transplant, it is usually because they are not happy with the way their eyebrows look. They could want to fill in gaps or have thicker eyebrows. Thinning eyebrows can be the result of aging, over-plucking, naturally thinner eyebrows, or even certain medical conditions. Thus, it is always important to see a doctor to determine the cause of thin eyebrows and to determine if eyebrow restoration surgery is appropriate in your case.

Who is the ideal candidate for an eyebrow transplant procedure?

Anyone who is unhappy with their eyebrow thickness, shape, or density may be a potential candidate for an eyebrow transplant. You will need to meet with a surgeon to determine if you are an appropriate candidate.

The ideal candidate for this procedure is someone who:

  • Is in good overall health
  • Does not smoke
  • Has realistic expectations
  • Does not have medical or autoimmune causes of their hair loss
  • Is willing to trim their eyebrows regularly every few days or week

Those who are not ideal candidates for this procedure are those who:

  • Have a medical problem such as a nutrient deficiency or thyroid disorder causing loss of their eyebrows
  • Have autoimmune hair loss
  • Have scarring hair loss
  • Have unrealistic expectations
  • Are not willing to regularly groom their eyebrows

Again it is important to meet with a doctor to determine if an eyebrow transplant is right for you.

What can someone expect from the results of an eyebrow transplant procedure?

eyebrow hair surgery

There are some things you can expect from getting an eyebrow transplant, such as:

Before Treatment

Before you undergo the eyebrow transplant procedure, you will first need to consult with a surgeon. During the consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your eyebrows and scalp to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

If the surgeon determines that you are a good candidate, the surgeon will then discuss the details of the procedure with you including what to expect before, during, and after surgery. They will also go over the potential risks, benefits, and alternatives associated with the surgery.

It is important that you ask any questions or voice any concerns you may have about the procedure during this consultation. This will help ensure that you are making the best decision for yourself.

During Treatment

The eyebrow transplant procedure is typically done as an outpatient procedure which means you will be able to go home the same day. The surgery itself usually takes around 2-6 hours depending on the number of grafts being transplanted and your individual factors.

Typically this procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and general anesthesia is not required. It is important to discuss methods of anesthesia during your consultation so that you are comfortable with the process.

After Treatment

After the eyebrow transplant procedure is complete, your eyebrows may be covered with gauze or a bandage or be left open depending on your surgeon’s instructions. Your surgeon will give you any other recommendations such as how and when to wash your face and if you need to apply any sprays or ointments in the donor and recipient areas. It is common to have some swelling and/or bruising of the face following this procedure which typically subsides within a week or two. Make sure to discuss any swelling, bruising or any other complications with your performing surgeon.

You will need to take care of your eyebrows during the healing process by keeping them clean and dry. You should also avoid any strenuous activity or exposure to sunlight, as this can potentially damage the grafts. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions on when you can exercise and on recommended sun protection.

The transplanted hair may shed in the weeks to months after the procedure. It typically takes 4-6 months to start to see some growth and up to 12-15 months to see the full effect.

What’s the recovery like for an eyebrow transplant?

is eyebrow transplant permanent

Eyebrow restoration surgery is an outpatient procedure done under local anesthesia with a relatively short recovery period. Most people are able to return to their normal activities within a week or two. Make sure to ask your performing surgeon about when you can return to your specific activities.

During the first few days after the procedure, you will likely have some swelling and/or bruising around the surgical area. You should also expect some scabbing and crusting around the transplanted hairs. Your performing surgeon will give you instructions on how to care for the area in the first few days and weeks after the procedure.

You will need to avoid any strenuous activity or exposure to sunlight during the recovery period as well. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions on when you can exercise and on recommended sun protection. Your surgeon will also give you other post-operative care instructions.

How Long is Recovery After an Eyebrow Transplant?

Normally, it takes about one to two weeks for recovery after an eyebrow transplant. However, this can vary depending on the individual and surgical techniques used. Some people may experience a longer or shorter recovery time. Make sure to discuss recovery in your case with your surgeon.

What are the potential risks of an eyebrow transplant procedure?

When you get any type of procedure, there are always potential risks and complications that come along with it.

Some of the potential risks of an eyebrow transplant procedure include:

  • Infection
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Scarring
  • Numbness or loss of sensation in the donor and recipient area
  • Hair loss around the surgical site
  • Change in hair texture or color
  • Asymmetry
  • Unnatural looking eyebrows
  • Rejection of transplanted hairs
  • Allergic reaction to anesthesia
  • Others

Your surgeon will discuss the risks of the procedure in your case. Bruising and swelling are the more commonly reported side effects. Other side effects such as those listed above are possible but rare. That being said, most people who undergo the eyebrow transplant procedure are happy with their results and do not have significant complications. It is important to discuss likelihood of risks with the performing surgeon specific to your individual case so you understand if you have any risk factors for certain complications.

How much does an eyebrow hair transplant cost?

eyebrow implant price

The cost of an eyebrow transplant will vary depending on the surgeon, the size of the procedure, and the location of the procedure. In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $3,000 to $20,000 for the procedure.

Is eyebrow transplant permanent?

Yes, an eyebrow transplant is a permanent solution for thin eyebrows. The transplanted hair will require trimming every few days or weeks depending on how quickly your hair grows.

Enhance Your Eyebrows Today!

Eyebrow transplants are a permanent solution for people who have naturally thin eyebrows or have eyebrow thinning due to aging, over-plucking, or trauma. If you are not happy with the way your eyebrows look, contact us today to see if this procedure is right for you.

At Root Hair Institute, we offer the latest in eyebrow transplant technology and our skilled surgeons have years of experience performing the procedure. We will work with you to create a treatment plan appropriate for you to thicken your eyebrows in the most natural way possible. Schedule a consultation today to get started!