Root Hair Institute


The road to receding hairlines begins early for some. With a staggering 25% of men starting to lose hair before 21 due to hereditary male pattern baldness, the prospect can be daunting. By the time they hit 35, nearly two-thirds of men have experienced hair loss to some degree, escalating to a whopping 85% by the time they’re 50.

Uneven hairlines are not just a male concern either. But is your uneven hairline simply a cosmetic issue or an indication of a deeper health concern? And more importantly, what can be done to restore that symmetrical hairline or hairline shape that you desire?

Understanding Hairlines

An uneven or asymmetrical hairline is a common concern that many people face. But before delving into why they occur, it’s vital to understand what constitutes a ‘normal’ hairline. It’s important to note that there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to hairlines.

They come in various shapes, sizes, and patterns. Some hairlines are naturally higher, some lower, while others are round, straight, or V-shaped. Regardless of these differences, one feature common to all hairlines is a certain degree of asymmetry.

So, if your hairline isn’t exactly the same on both sides, rest assured, it’s quite normal.

But what if the asymmetry of your hairline becomes more noticeable, or if it’s receding unevenly? It might be more than just a cosmetic issue. It’s crucial to differentiate between ‘normal’ asymmetry and signs of hair loss that might be leading to a more noticeable uneven hairline.

Understanding this distinction is the first step towards dealing with an uneven hairline effectively.

Factors Contributing to an Uneven Hairline

Uneven hairlines are often a symptom of hair loss. Several factors contribute to this, and it’s vital to acknowledge them to fully address the issue.

The most common of these is Androgenetic Alopecia, also known as male or female pattern baldness or thinning. This type of hair loss is often influenced by genetics, hormonal changes, and age. It often begins in certain areas such as the part line, crown, and at the hairline, which can become uneven as hair starts to thin and recede.

An uneven hairline might also indicate underlying health concerns. For instance, stress can play a significant role.

Whether it’s emotional, physical, or psychological, intense stress can disrupt the natural cycle of hair growth. It can lead to conditions like Telogen Effluvium, where hair enters the shedding phase prematurely. This condition can make your hairline appear uneven or receding or lead to overall thinning.

Other factors that can contribute to hair loss include:

  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Certain medications
  • Other medical conditions like thyroid disorders and autoimmune diseases

Hair grooming habits and styles can also lead to an uneven hairline. Practices such as tightly pulling your hair back can lead to damage of the hair follicles, a condition known as Traction Alopecia. Over time, this can lead to a receding hairline, especially at the temples, and may become permanent if the tension is sustained.

Identifying and Addressing an Uneven Hairline

Are you worried your hairline might be more than naturally asymmetrical? Do you suspect a crooked hairline? Identifying this early can help you take control sooner.

Start by examining your hairline in the mirror. Look out for patches of thinning hair or areas where the hairline seems to be receding more rapidly. You may also notice more hair falling out than usual, either:

  • On your pillow
  • In the shower
  • While combing

Once you spot these signs, don’t panic. It’s time to address the issue. A visit to a professional hair loss specialist such as a dermatologist is a good place to start.

They will do a thorough history and examination. In some cases a laboratory work up or scalp biopsy may be recommended to help identify any underlying conditions contributing to your hair loss. It is important to first get a diagnosis for the type of hair loss that you have and before blindly jumping into treatments.

Non-surgical and Surgical Solutions for an Uneven Hairline

When it comes to remedying an uneven hairline, there’s a range of non-surgical and surgical options to consider. Your specific circumstances and the underlying causes of your hair loss will dictate which treatments are most suitable for you.

Among non-surgical interventions, medications such as minoxidil and finasteride are often first-line approaches for male pattern hair loss. In female pattern hair loss topical minoxidil is first line. These drugs work to help slow down or even reverse hair loss in some cases.

Another treatment option is low-level light therapy. This is a non-invasive technique that employs visible light in the red light spectrum to help increase blood flow to the scalp to help stimulate hair growth and improve density.

Additionally, procedures like scalp micro needling and injections (for example, growth factor injections) can invigorate the scalp and follicles. They can help support the existing hair and foster hair growth.

There are other medical treatments such as those that target inflammaiton for inflammatory types of hair loss.

Generally non-surgical therapy works best in those with less advanced hair loss who still have existing hair in the areas with decreased hair density. For individuals with more advanced hair loss or those who have not seen significant improvement with non-surgical methods, hair transplantation may be an effective solution. This surgical procedure involves relocating hair follicles from a denser region of your scalp (the donor site) to the areas experiencing thinning or balding. Whether or not surgery may or may not be recommended in your case will depend on a number of individual factors including the degree and type of hair loss that you have.

As this is a surgical option, it’s crucial to have a consultation with a hair restoration surgeon to fully understand the potential risks, benefits, and alternatives prior to considering this treatment.

It’s essential to understand that hair loss and hairline irregularities are personal and unique for everyone. No single solution will fit all cases, which is why a personalized treatment plan is so important. An approach to hair loss should be comprehensive and take into consideration the specifics of your hair loss, your lifestyle, and your personal goals. You need to be comfortable with the long-term plan as hair loss is usually a long-term condition.

Take Control of Your Hairline Today!

An uneven hairline need not be a permanent concern. There are many effective treatments available, ranging from non-surgical options to hair transplantation. But success largely depends on correctly identifying the root cause and choosing the right treatment for you.

In this journey, you’re not alone. It is important to see a hair loss specialist such as a board-certified dermatologist or if you are interested in discussing hair transplant then a hair restoration surgeon. At Root Hair Institute in the Greater Seattle area, our experts, with a deep understanding of the emotional and physical aspects of hair loss, are dedicated to creating a personalized treatment plan that suits your unique needs and lifestyle. Why not regain your confidence and take control of your hairline today? Schedule a consultation with us to learn more about your options.