Root Hair Institute


When most people think of balding, they think of male pattern baldness. But hair loss isn’t exclusive to men.

In fact, many women experience female pattern baldness which is also called female patterned hair loss and your chances increase as you age.

50% of women over age 80 have female pattern hair loss, also known as androgenetic alopecia.

Hair loss in women is associated with more severe psychological concerns. Hair loss in women is often much less talked about than in  men and less socially acceptable with more associated stigma. However, we are committed to talking about hair loss in women so that women with hair loss realize that they are not alone and that they have treatment options if they want to do something about it. One of these options is a hair transplant.

Keep reading to learn more about what you can expect from a hair transplant for women and whether this procedure might be right for you. If you are interested, make sure to make an appointment with a hair restoration surgeon to discuss the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure, your goals, other medical conditions, and if this procedure could be right for you.

What is a Hair Transplant for Women?

There are many types of hair loss and many different contributing factors in many cases including the following potential causes:

  • Medications
  • Stress
  • Diet
  • Illness
  • Surgeries
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • An autoimmune disease
  • Others

This is why it is important to see someone to get a diagnosis on the type of hair loss you have and identify if there are factors contributing. The most common form of hair loss is female pattern hair loss or androgenetic alopecia which is largely driven by genetics and hormonal changes. Another common cause of hair loss is telogen effluvium or shedding hair loss. There is also a type of hair loss caused by chronic pulling or tugging on the hair usually from tight hair styles called traction alopecia.

Certain types of hair loss such as female pattern balding or hair loss, hair loss from scar tissue from trauma or radiation, and traction alopecia are more likely to respond well to hair transplant procedures.

Now back to the question: What is a hair transplant for women? A hair transplant for women is a medical procedure that restores hair to areas with balding or thinning on the scalp.

During the procedure, your surgeon and team will relocate hair usually from the back or side of your head (where the hair tends to be thicker and more permanent) to the areas where you are experiencing hair loss, usually the front or top of your head. Hair transplants are typically done in a medical office and use local anesthesia to ensure you are comfortable throughout the process.

It’s important to note that hair transplants are not the best option in every case. Your doctor will explore the benefits, risks, and alternatives of the procedure based on your individual circumstances during a consultation. Hair transplants are usually reserved for patients who are experiencing permanent hair loss and have tried and failed other hair loss treatments or who wish to increase hair density in an area with little to no existing hair. This is because non-surgical therapies can often be effective in thickening hair in areas with existing hair to work with.

hair transplant for women

The Hair Transplant Process

There are two different techniques that surgeons can use during a hair transplant for women. These include follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction/excision (FUE). Let’s take a look at each of these in closer detail.


With follicular unit transplantation (FUT), your surgeon will make an incision and remove a strip of scalp from the back and sides of the head. The length and width will depend on your individual scalp characteristics and the amount of hair needed. The area is then sutured together to minimize scarring. This type of procedure typically leaves a single thin linear scar that should be able to be covered by the hair above it.

The surgical team then dissects the strip into individual follicular units also called grafts that usually contain 1-4 hair follicles coming out of a single follicular opening.


With follicular unit extraction also called follicular unit excision (FUE), a punch is used to remove follicular units one by one from the back and/or sides of the head. The number of incisions made will depend on the number of grafts needed. This type of procedure does leave behind scar tissue, and the claim that this type of procedure is scarless is false. The procedure tends to leave behind small pinpoint white or hypopigmented scars rather than a linear scar.  The grafts are then looked at under the microscope, and any excess tissue is removed.

With both procedures, remember local anesthetic will be used to make the areas being worked on numb prior to making any incisions. With both types of procedures, the hair is divided into individual follicular units to allow the most natural results. The only difference is how those grafts are obtained. Once there are grafts, the rest of the procedure is the same between the two. Your surgeon will use a needle or blade to create tiny holes in the scalp where you want increased hair density. The team then places the individual grafts in these holes one by one.

Depending on the case, hundreds to thousands of hairs can be transplanted in a single session.

Finally, the team will cover your scalp with bandages or gauze.

Be aware that it can take more than one session to achieve your desired look especially if an area with little to no existing hair is being transplanted. Make sure to discuss how likely you are to need multiple sessions with your hair restoration surgeon during your consultation.

You can expect each session to take at least 4 hours. In fact, usually these procedures usually take a full day.

Your hair transplant clinic will discuss the cost of hair transplants with you as well as which technique is best for your case. Sessions are spaced out at least 11-12 months apart to allow your scalp to heal between procedures.

Preparing for Hair Transplants

The most important step when preparing for a hair transplant is finding the right surgeon and having a consultation. When you are looking for doctors, you may want to consider whether or not they focus on hair transplant and have significant experience performing the procedure. You will want to ensure that you feel comfortable with their treatment plan and talking with them.

It is important to have a consultation to discuss your goals and if hair transplant could be appropriate in your case. During this time, it is important to discuss the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure. Your consultation is also a great time to ask any questions that you may have. Your doctor should provide you with instructions on how to prepare for the procedure including anything that you should start doing or avoid in the months, weeks, and days leading up to your procedure.

hair transplant for women

What to Expect After a Hair Transplant for Women

Once the numbing wears off after the procedure, you may experience soreness or tenderness. Discuss the amount of expected discomfort after your procedure with your surgeon as well as the plan to manage any discomfort. If you have continued discomfort despite following your surgeons instructions, make sure to inform the performing surgeon.

Your surgeon should give you detailed post-procedure instructions on how to care for the area and what to do and avoid in the days, weeks, and months after the procedure. Make sure to follow all of their instructions.

Generally, if it is an FUT procedure, sutures are removed 7-21 days after the procedure (if they are not dissolvable). If it is an FUE procedure, there will not be sutures to be removed. Typically, the first week after the procedure there are the most restrictions in terms of exercise, washing the hair, and touching the grafts. After the first week, the grafts are more healed in. However, make sure again to follow the specific instructions of your surgeon based on your surgery and case.

You can expect the transplanted hair to fall out within the first few weeks or months after your procedure. The hair then usually starts to grow in around 4-6 months after the procedure with more growth around 9 months after the procedure. It can take 12-15 months to see the full effect after the procedure.

Your doctor may also recommend additional procedures such as injections or a second surgery as well as medications to help strengthen the hair for the best results. Make sure to discuss these options with your surgeon.

Is a Hair Transplant Right for You?

Are you a woman experiencing hair loss and want to help restore your hair and get your full head of hair back? If so, a hair transplant for women may be right for you.

Our team of experienced hair restoration surgeons is ready to help you get back your hair and your confidence.

Click here to schedule a consultation to learn more about your hair restoration options.