Root Hair Institute


It might surprise you to learn that the average person naturally sheds between 50 and 100 hair follicles each day. This is true for people of all genders. If you experience more than this, you may suffer from hair loss.

Scalp microneedling can help some individuals manage this issue especially when combined with other therapies, but not everybody understands how. Let’s take a closer look at the key factors you need to know.

What Is Scalp Microneedling?

This process involves using tiny needles to puncture the scalp.

The idea is that this creates controlled wounds, which trigger a healing process in the skin. This may promote hair growth and thickness over time.

Microneedling may help reduce inflammation and improve circulation around your follicles, accelerating the rate of hair growth.

Benefits of Scalp Microneedling

There are a number of potential benefits to undergoing scalp microneedling that you should consider.

One of the most prominent is that this procedure is minimally invasive and requires little downtime.

It’s also been known to help improve the appearance of scars and reduce signs of aging on the scalp.

Risk Factors

Although it is generally considered a safe procedure, there are risks you should be aware of before undergoing scalp microneedling. These can include infection, swelling, tenderness, and redness. They can also include minor bleeding. There are also other risks.

As with any medical procedure, it’s important to speak to your medical provider about the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure before considering or moving forward.

scalp microneedling

Why Hair Loss Occurs

The primary cause of hair loss in many with patterned or genetic hair loss is a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone can cause downstream effects to hair follicles including causing them shrink and leading to thinning or baldness.

Other factors that can contribute include age, stress, genetics, nutritional deficiencies, and certain medical conditions.

Different Types of Hair Loss

Many people are unaware that there are multiple types of hair loss. This primarily includes pattern baldness, telogen effluvium, alopecia areata, and others.

Pattern baldness is a form of genetic and hormonal hair loss. It’s characterized by receding hairline, balding spots, and thinning of the crown area.

Telogen effluvium occurs more often in women and is triggered by stress or shock to the system. For example, it can be caused by a severe illness or hormonal changes among other reasons.

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that causes patchy hair loss on the scalp, face, and other parts of the body.

There are many other causes of hair loss as well, so it is important to see someone experienced in not only treating but also diagnosing different types of hair loss.


The best candidates for this procedure and many other non-surgical procedures are those who catch signs of hair loss early.

If you’re already experiencing some balding, you may also be considered a good candidate for scalp microneedling. Depending on the severity of your hair loss, this procedure may or may not be effective for you. Therefore, it’s important to speak to your doctor first and obtain a professional opinion before going through with this treatment.

How a Session Works

During a microneedling session, the provider will use a device with tiny needles to puncture your scalp. As previously mentioned, this will promote healing in the affected area.

The amount of time it takes to see growth will depend on the size of the area being treated and how many sessions you need. Most people need multiple treatments in order to see results since this procedure is not a one-time fix. Ask your doctor for an individualized plan to ensure you get the most out of your treatments. They may also recommend combining this treatment with other treatment options.

scalp microneedling


After your session, there are certain steps you will need to take to care for your scalp. You should avoid direct sunlight for the first week. Your doctor may also suggest that you use an antiseptic cream on the area or avoid certain activities to reduce inflammation and decrease your risk of infection. It is important to discuss the specific aftercare instructions for your case with your provider when discussing microneedling.

If you notice any side effects, or if your scalp is feeling particularly tender, red, or if you have fevers or any other side effects, contact your doctor for advice or seek immediate medical attention.

Finding a Professional

The results you get will only be as good as the professional who handles your procedure.

Make sure you research the clinic and ask plenty of questions before deciding to move forward. You should also look into their education, credentials, and experience to ensure they are qualified.

If you’re looking for an even more effective treatment option, speak to your doctor about the possibility of combining microneedling with other treatments growth factor injections.

This is a therapy that can help speed up the process of hair regrowth.

Consider how comfortable you are communicating with them. This is essential so that you can get the best possible results and be comfortable communicating with your team each step of the way. Hair loss sometimes requires adjusting regimens so it is important you have open lines of communication with your team.

Get Started Today

Although scalp microneedling might seem intimidating at first, the process is relatively simple in experienced hands. As long as you find an experienced provider and make sure you understand the risks, benefits, and alternatives after discussing with them, you should be able to make the best decision for you.

Looking for more information on how we can help? Feel free to contact us today to see what we can do and if scalp microneedling or another treatment option may be right for you.