Root Hair Institute

The world’s longest beard measures 8 ft 3 in long.

While most beards won’t reach such lengths, every person may want to grow a beard they can be proud of. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always come naturally.

If you’re having trouble growing the perfect beard, you may be a candidate for a beard transplant procedure. Keep reading to learn more about this relatively simple and effective beard restoration option and how it could change your life.

What is a Beard Transplant?

If your beard isn’t up to your standards, you aren’t alone. Many men and individuals experience trouble growing or maintaining a thick, full beard. This is often due to genetics and other factors.

Beards may grow in unevenly, leaving a patchy appearance. Fortunately, individuals with beards that are thin, not full, or patchy can potentially benefit from a procedure known as a beard transplant. Much like how a hair transplant can help address pattern baldness and a receding hairline, a beard transplant can bring new life to your jawline and facial hair.

With a beard transplant, hair is harvested usually from your scalp and transplanted onto your face, creating more hair density in the beard. Beard transplants can improve the physical appearance, self-confidence, and mental health of those who struggle with thin or patchy beards.

There are numerous benefits of having a full beard, including appearing more masculine, older, sexually attractive, mature, self-assured, and well-groomed.

Beard Transplant Candidates

While a beard transplant is a great option for many individuals, it’s not right for everyone.

The best candidates for beard restoration via beard transplant have always had a thin or patchy beard. If you recently started having patches of hair loss in your beard or start losing hair in your beard, make sure to mention that during your consultation as that could be a sign that there may be actual hair loss in your beard that may need to be treated non-surgically and stabilized prior to considering a beard surgery. It is also important to have a good donor supply to take the hairs from that matches the beard characteristics well. The donor hairs are often taken from the back and sides of the scalp where more permanent and stronger hairs are often found.

When you meet with a hair transplant surgeon, they will evaluate your scalp or other areas to determine whether you have enough healthy follicular units to complete a beard or facial hair transplant.

If you don’t meet the criteria for a beard transplant or may be better served by another therapy, your doctor will go over alternative beard restoration treatments that may work better for you.

It’s important to choose a good surgeon who understands your goals and discusses important factors like the risks, benefits, and alternatives of beard transplants and a team that can make sure you fully understand the cost associated.

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How Beard Transplants Work

During a beard transplant, your surgeon will transplant hair follicles taken usually from your head to areas with sparse or absent hair on your beard. The follicular unit (the opening and usually 1-4 associated hairs) that is being transplanted is called a graft. There are two main components of a beard transplant – harvesting and implantation.

Step 1: Harvesting

The first step of a beard transplant is harvesting the hair follicles from another area which is often from your scalp. Within the harvesting part of the beard transplant process, there are two different techniques that your surgeon may use and may discuss with you depending on your case.


With Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), your surgeon removes a strip of tissue from the back and sides of your scalp. They then stitch the area together to minimize scarring. This type of procedure usually leaves a thin linear scar. The strip is then dissected into individual follicular units under magnification.


With Follicular Unit Extraction also called Follicular Unit Excsion (FUE), your surgeon will harvest hair follicular units (or grafts) one at a time from the sides and back of the scalp.


Both FUT and FUE techniques can be used to create a natural-looking beard. All areas being worked on are numbed prior to starting the procedure to minimize pain during the procedure in both types. The only difference between the two procedures is how the follicular units are isolated. The later stages of the procedure are the same between the two (read on for more).

Your surgeon will discuss the pros and cons of each technique as well as which is preferred for the look you desire, your hair length on your scalp, and the recovery for each.

Step 2: Implantation

The second step in the beard transplant process is implanting the harvested follicles. This is the same for both types of procedure.

Your surgeon will use a local anesthetic to numb your face just like they did your scalp. Then, they will implant each hair follicular into the skin on your face where increased density is desired.

Before your procedure, you and your doctor will design a custom beard shape. Make sure to give any feedback at this time on your desired shape and fullness. Your doctor will implant the harvested follicles to help create the custom shape you desire.

Beard Transplant Recovery

Recovering from a beard transplant is relatively simple compared to other procedures, and the recovery time is often 7-14 days. This may depend on your individual case size, type, and other factors.

Make sure to follow the aftercare instructions of your surgeon including what to do and what to avoid in the days, weeks, and months after your procedure.

There may be scabbing or crusting that often flakes off after a week. Make sure to check with your surgeon when you are permitted to shave or trim your beard.

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Timeline After Your Beard Transplant

It is normal for the newly transplanted hairs to fall out in the first few weeks or months after the procedure. It can take up to 4-6 months to start noticing growth with the full effect taking 12-15 months to appreciate in many cases.

In some cases you may require a second procedure to achieve your desired result. Discuss the likelihood of this with your surgeon during your consultation. If a second procedure is needed this is often not performed until 11-12 months after the first at the earliest to allow the hair from the first procedure to grow in.

Are You Ready for a Better Beard?

If you want a fuller and thicker beard, a beard transplant may be the procedure for you.

Having a fuller beard increases self-confidence in many individuals. Best of all, the hairs transplanted during a beard transplant are usually long lasting!

Click here to schedule a consultation with a transplant surgeon to learn more about your options today.