Root Hair Institute


Around 80 million men and women in the United States have some form of hereditary hair loss. So it is likely you or someone you know may be suffering from hair loss including a receding hair line. So, how do you help to slow down its progress, or even reverse it?

This article has information on how to help retain your hair. So, read on and pick up some practical strategies to hopefully help improve the appearance of your hair over time. If you are suffering from a receding hair line or other hair loss, it is recommended that you see a doctor to discuss what kind of hair loss you have and if any blood tests or treatments are recommended.

1. Maintain a Healthy Haircare Routine

Avoid chemical treatments such as strong dyes and bleaching if possible. Limit heat styling. Limit any hairstyles that tightly pull on the hair such as tight pony tails or braids.

2. Eat Well

Your body needs plenty of nutrients to produce everything it makes, and this is especially true of your hair.

Make sure that you incorporate plenty of vitamins and minerals into a well-balanced diet. The hair requires adequate protein and calorie intake. Extreme diets or caloric restriction can have effects on the hair. Focus on getting enouch of the following in your diet:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin E
  • Iron
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Healthy fats
  • Anti-oxidants

If you are unsure of what you should be eating, consult with your doctor, nutritionist, or dietitian. Focusing on a healthy diet will not only help avoid deficiencies which can affect the hair but also improve your overall health.

3. Avoid Too Much Sun

Ultraviolet (UV) rays, such as those from the sun, can be harmful to the body. This can increase DNA damage and increase the risk of skin cancers. This may also affect hair follicles. If you have a receeding hair line or hair loss, your scalp may also be more exposed as it has less hair offering sun protection. So make sure you protect your scalp and face from the sun with a hat and/or sunscreen.

4. Stop Unhealthy Habits

Both smoking and drinking can start to impact your overall health and potentially your hair as well. Too much alcohol, for example, over time can lead to a reduction in the nutrients you have in your body as well as possible dehydration. Smoking can also restrict the amount of blood reaching some areas of your body, including potentially your hair follicles. Reducing these habits can not only potentially improve your hair health but will have known positive impacts on your overall health.

5. Lower Your Stress

If you express signs of ongoing stress, these might contribute to early hair loss. Your body responds to stress in different ways, including causing hair follicles to start “resting” and “shedding”. This can lead to the possible thinning of hair if it continues for long enough.

To help avoid this, try to find ways to manage your stress. Investigate mindfulness and meditation, or start doing things that bring you joy such as your hobbies. While this might not always be possible due to the realities of life, consider it a priority for your hair and overall health.

6. Consider Getting Seen by a Doctor

We discussed a number of things you can do to try to minimize hair loss and a receding hair line. However, even with the best lifestyle and behavioral modification, some individuals still experience a receding hair line and/or hair loss.

It is always best to get checked out by a doctor specializing in hair loss to determine what type of hair loss you have and if any work up is recommended.

7. Consider Medications

Depending on your case, there may be medications that are recommended in your case to decrease further loss and potentially even thicken your existing hair. The FDA-approved treatments for male pattern hair loss include over the counter topical minoxidil and finasteride 1 mg by mouth daily. There may also be other off-label options that your doctor recommends. It is always important to discuss the risks, benefits, and alternatives of therapies with your doctor priot to starting treatment.

8. Consider Other Non-surgical Therapies

There may also be other non-medication based therapies recommended in your case such as supplements, red light therapy, and growth factor injections. What is recommended will depend on your individual case.

Restore a Receding Hairline

These tips include a number of potential ways to modify your lifestyle and routine to control the factors you can in terms of your receding hair line and briefly discussed non-surgical therapies that can help to minize further loss and strengthen the existing hair. But if you want to regain hair in areas with little to no remaining hair, you may want to consider hair transplant surgery.

A great place to start is by seeing a hair loss specialist like a dermatologist or hair restoration surgeon. The good news is at Root Hair Institute, we are one of the few centers that have both under one roof!

Our specialists are experts in the field of hair loss and would be happy to discuss how we can help you meet your hair restoration goals. So, schedule a consultation and discover your options for restoring your hair line.